60. Chemical Components and Analysis 3

Lipid Content
Localization of Lipid
Variation of Lipid
Starch Lipid
Action of Lipid
Lipid Content, Variety, and Fertilization Control
Method of Determining Lipids


Lipid Content

According to the Japan Standard Food Composition, Japanese rice contains an average of 3.0% of lipid for brown rice and 1.3% for milled rice (refer to Table 3, in previous document).

Localization of Lipid

Lipid is mainly contained in embryo, aleurone layer and sub-aleurone layer. It exists within cells as balls of fat of
0.7~3 microns in diameter called spherosome. A portion of lipid exists as starch lipid.

Variation of Lipid

Rice lipid is mostly a neutral lipid. It is a triglyceride as an ester-linkage of three higher fatty acids: glycerol, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. In terms of fatty acid composition, oleic acid and linoleic acid are the most common, followed by palmitic acid. Other than triglyceride, rice contains free fatty acid, sterol, and diglyceride.

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